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Quarterly Updates

Pastor Ralph provides quarterly updates on his ministry and missionary efforts.

2023 - Quarterly Updates

1st Quarter Updates

January 2023

  • January was a month of transition from my bi-vocational career as an IT professional to full-time missionary serving with World hope Bible Institute (WHBI) (  and Rebuild Haiti (

  • We completed the sale of our Virginia home, repositioned our finances for missionary ministry, and positioned things in our Florida home to accommodate my travel schedule, since I will be travelling up to 50% of each year.

  • We spent much time in prayer and preparation for full-time ministry.

  • We prayed and worked to recruit Launch, Communication, Prayer, and Development (Support) teams.

  • I ended the month in Houston TX at WHBI HQ. Where I met with other Associate Directors from around the globe.

    • It was the perfect way to end my first month as a full-time missionary.

    • I sat at the feet of great men of God who were being used by Him to change the world by investing in pastors and bible teachers across Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Americas.

    • I listened to testimonies from the field and learned how WHBI training was being replicated in Kenya. I learned that 7th and 8th generation of WHBI graduated were taking the training across the borders and opening locations in neighboring countries.

    • The Associate Directors befriended me, prayed over me, and invested in me and offered to help me in any way they could. It was a deeply humbling and very enriching experience.

February 2023

  • I had the joy for returning to Virginia to visit and share the ministry with neighbors, and friends.

  • Dr. Josh Vincent and the Centreville Baptist Church (CBC) church leadership team graciously afforded me the opportunity to share about my ministry with 100 church members during the Sunday morning Bible Study hour.

  • Then in a very moving ceremony our pastor, Dr. Josh Vincent, the Elders, and the CBC family commissioned us as a full-time missionary, after Dr. Billy Ross, preached a powerful message.   

  • I am grateful for each of you who have become prayer and giving partners and for many who are still praying about the opportunity to join in what God is doing through us across the Caribbean and around the world.


March 2023

  • I wish each of you could have joined me in Miami for my WHBI first event as Associate Director. Dr. Billy Ross and I introduce World Hope Bible Institute (WHBI) curriculum, vision, strategy, and techniques for making theological training available to the 2.5 million pastors and Bible Teachers who do not have access seminary or Bible Colleges around the world.

  • I ended the month by returning to Trinidad for WHBI Term 2 of 8 with 40 pastors and bible teachers.

  • It was an incredible joy to see my precious Trini brothers and sisters again and have the joy helping to equip them for more effective ministry.

  • During the trip I develop memories that will last for a lifetime.

  • The Trinidad WHBI Council did an amazing job coordinating all aspects of  weekend and my co-teachers, Denis Bagot (Canada), and Tom Owen (Texas) did an excellent job of teaching.  

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